Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It is done!

I need a G-invite.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

taking a little longer than first expected

Looks like the paid faction change is currently down for some unknown reason and I'll have to wait for blizz to get off their asses before I can switch over.

I'll keep you all posted.

Remember that paladin?

Used to heal real well, was fun to hang around, etc...?

Lost to bad luck and hackers?

Well she is back...

I'be been gone on a WoW break to sort out real life problems and left my account in the hands of a younger cousin while the remaining time ran out on it. I instructed him to level me a new holy paladin while I was gone and in return he was free to do whatever until I returned.

Boy, that was a mistake.

Apparently, do what you want doesn't mean within reason with him as he transferred my priest off blood furnace and to another server with a guild his characters were in. luckily he paid for the transfer, so I'm not as pissed considering all the people I care about in Sated seemed to move off server in my absence anyway. Apart from a few other things he messed abound with on my other characters on different servers, he didn't screw me too badly. guess that's the last time I trust him with my shit.

But in good news, he did listen to my request in making a paladin while I was gone but true to his dick nature, he made it alliance and on a completely different server.

I don't know what he may have done while I was gone so if something did happen, I just want to apologize to you all. I never thought that it would turn out like this, I guess I put to much trust into him.

Regardless, I'm back in control and I have my paladin back. She is in 4/5 T9 and about a 4900 Gear Score at the moment. I'm sure with a little dedicated time I can get it up higher.

If you're curious about the gear, look up Erilis on the armory, should be on Dunemaul server. If you can't find it, then the server transfer went through and she on Spirestone. I'll update the post when I notice it went through.

Hope you guys will forgive me for all the crazy ass stuff that has been happening lately.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Less WoW time

It's nice to get some time off WoW and just relax or get a full nights rest for once. It's hard to make it to raids during the week due to work and such.

How has everyone else been?

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's been a while

So it's been a while since my last post and since I got into a raid. Works been keeping me busy and I'm starting to get some raid withdrawal symptoms.

Hopefully I can be there Tuesday for the raid.